
angelliu0224 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Nothing special recently, besides feel boring and tired of my terrible job...ha!

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Read a good book, The Present, recommend to you all....
I recap the key point from the book and share with all my dear friends....Enjoy...

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Still feel very tired, strongly want to take a rest at least 1 week....

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Can't believe it's the last day of October!!! From I went back from Germany until now, it's only one and half months, but I feel like at least 3 or 4 months pass.
It was happened so many things during these two months, work, healthy, emotion, family, friends...etc. I feel I lost something in my life now. I must try to find other things to fill the hole from it.

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Finally I can understand why everyone doesn't like a business trip, I can't believe it's so tired!!
Although I can eat special food in Berlin, like "Pig knockle", "Gernan Sausage" and "German Beer"...etc. and feel different culture in Germany. I still don't like this trip, especially spending long time for taking the airplane.

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一開始的人體拼圖遊戲,就讓我們這組粉尷尬,當其他四組都解開謎題時,我們還在努力,甚至連麗青姊都看不出所以然來,只好叫我們放棄 哈!!

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連著兩天都沒睡好 還要早起 再加上我會認床 (可是我和如黑很幸運的睡到公主床耶) 兩天精神都好差 累!!

經過報章雜誌的渲染 集集已成為一個觀光地 一個小小的車站 幾到人山人海 (BUT, there is NOTHING!) 有點誇張

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