Grandpa left us the year before last year. So we lost one key man having dinner wiht us in our New Year's Eve last year. Get a new one, Mark's wife, having dinner with us this year, but we still lose one who is finding her job and staying in America.
It looks harder and harder to gather all the family home during Chinese New Year's Eve. Everyone think that the next change is me, I'll marry to one guy then disappear on the New Year's Eve table and join to another family's dinner table. Maybe it's true, but I hope it won't happen or I could change it.

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從美食家Doris那得到亞尼克果子進駐新竹大遠百  興奮ㄉㄧ直想找機會去吃吃看  畢竟萬里對我來說太遠ㄌ  為了蛋糕跑到萬里去有點麻煩

昨天晚上  泰哥  大方ㄉ請我們大家吃泰式料理  超讚ㄉ 我們應該把那家ㄉ菜都試過一遍ㄌ  可是  吃到一半我ㄉ肚子又再作怪 開始    是我ㄉ錯覺ㄇ

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angelliu0224 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I feel that I lost something in my life, but I shouldn't feel it, right?
Everything in my life looks so wonderful. I have almost everything I need, although I still desire many things I can't reach. But I don't feel satisfied of my life, what happened to me?

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今天永志在桃園設婚宴 場地佈置成淡紫色系 感覺很溫馨
每次看到自己ㄉ好朋友找到自己ㄉ幸福 都深深ㄉ為他們感到高興

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angelliu0224 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

有時候不得不承認 女生的思考方式滿怪異的  尤其在感情世界裡  往往少有理性可言

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